the best girl friend ever...
this afternoon i recieved a package at work..always a huge day brightener...this time i was particularly thrilled as it contained a six disc box set the complete first season of... MACGYVER... a sweet gift from a beutiful lady, thank you kala you know the true secrets to unlock my happy feet.
rum and coke and i can't smoke
fucking scott holding up my ireland ticket purchase...make up your mind fucker.
yea some im beganing my weekly weekend binge with a rum and coke in kala's dorm with a bunch of college gals
unfortunatly i cant whats the point of leaving ny if you cant smoke inside..ha ha the things you cant wanna do more. like get fucked up at work (see tipsy christopher yesterday after liquid lunch).
i dont know...i cant belive i have 3 blogs what a dork...i cant belive i havent reviewed boondock saints yet ah well maybe monday....fuck....ass.
"And shepherds we shall be, for thee my lord for thee. Power hath decended forth from thy hand so our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. And we shall flow a river forth to thee and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti."
"a nation once again"
yes! i am going to ireland in march and will be there for st.pattys day, hopefully noah will be joining me.
life is finaly starting to work out
oh oh the boondock saints sequal (all saints day) is being worked on while we blog.
calvin ball
a late train to jersey and a lot of snuggling later there was a "metric butload" of snow.
we (kala and i) were snowed in trapped in a dorm room with nothing to do but make out, watch movies and nap.
at dusk we went out to play calvin ball and ruin the pristine beautiful snow...the lighting was perfect the snow in my shoes mushy..what a marvel of a weekend
the train back, delayed 45 minutes then another 45 stuck at the station....after a transfer at penn i stared out at all the crazy sparks from under the train...and listened to the death noises of ice on the tracks.
10:30pm walked a great and lone walk down a deserted main st. probably one of my favorite all time walks.
question; when is it time to stop saying "happy new year", i mean christ its jan. i have to wait until febuary??
this is a public service announcement...with guitars!
remember to bring in your robots from the snow to prevent rusting
and your monkeys to prevent hypothermia.
oh and please do remember to make the followin snow angel, a snow man and a snow fort...
man i have nothing to say that hasnt been
ive got nothing to write
im tierd
i need to figure this shit out
'cause, with all the changes you've been throughIt seems the stranger's always youAlone again in some newWicked little town
so im free now.
$435 in fines, court fees and bagels poorer but im free.
free to drive, free to register a vehicle
free to drink and drive (jk..maybe)
things are looking up...nothings ever as bad as it seems
i miss you guys...we gotta get on this spring break thing
happy burfday noah!!!!
my far
as i woke at 6:30 instead of my usual 5:30 and forgot to shave and put on deoderant in a rush to leave....
- Good morning, can i help you?
-coming in for service ma`am?
-do you have an appointment
- i dont see your name on the scedual today
-ok see steve
i dont know why but i found that amusing
i also called someone needledick by accident
Jaguar shark
awesome movie!
ok im trying to get through this crap...the licence issues, the depression and anxiety the breaking of hearts
when i was in the hospital i lied and told them i had never thought or had plans of killing myself. bull shit! i said it so i could get out if i needed to.
but honestly a few hours before my hospitalzation i was seriously considering throwing myself infront of a car...hanging myself from my celing fan (it probably would have fallen) sliting my wrists in the bathroom or washing down a bottle of sleeping pills with a bottle of whiskey...anyway i didnt, im still here and the reason is this; freinds. i didnt want my friends to have to go through know the whole wake and funeral thingy. the best thing for me was all the concern and well wishes i got from everyone a really great letter from noah (that i currently have on my fridge) voice messages...declarations of love and hope. I thank you all.
the reason why im bringing this up is i have fallen into it again...but this time i have an experience to look back on and realize what i have is worth living for. even if i am a total fuck up things can always get better...even if im taken away in hand cuffs and put in a jail cell for a few hours because my paper work isnt in order (fucking car insurence, court system, dmv). i am sorry for ranting about depressing issues..and i am sorry for any pain i have will get better, i promise.
"better use my lightning like scissors, like i cut the legs of off whales and dinosaurs into lizards"
i shouldnt talk about my personal stuff when it involes other poples
im sorry for every one i hurt and forgive everyone who hurt me...if the last few moths have tought me anything its love hurts but life moves has to
My shoes hurt
goal for the week; find practical use for reses penut buter cups as gears in some kind of chocalat robot
top five reasons im an ass hole
5. clocked pete in the jaw (im sure he deserved it but niether of us remember why)
4. told lauren to slap fred in the face (he did deserve it but...i still feel like a dick)
3. invited ex to current girlfriends b-day party
2. took long walk with ex
1. justifed 3 + 2 by saying how many other girls at the party i slept with
what a fucker
anyway...everyones all made up...everything is gonna fight my ass off to prove my worth
an official invitation
on saturnday jan 8th there will be a party in honor of kala's b-day (and noahs even if he cant make it....he better)
north shore brewery headquaters
196 soundbeach blvd
soundbeach ny
e-mail me for directions
now thats what i call a party
6 months till my lease is up and i can move to amherst
not soon enough