My shoes hurt
goal for the week; find practical use for reses penut buter cups as gears in some kind of chocalat robot
top five reasons im an ass hole
5. clocked pete in the jaw (im sure he deserved it but niether of us remember why)
4. told lauren to slap fred in the face (he did deserve it but...i still feel like a dick)
3. invited ex to current girlfriends b-day party
2. took long walk with ex
1. justifed 3 + 2 by saying how many other girls at the party i slept with
what a fucker
anyway...everyones all made up...everything is gonna fight my ass off to prove my worth
top five reasons im an ass hole
5. clocked pete in the jaw (im sure he deserved it but niether of us remember why)
4. told lauren to slap fred in the face (he did deserve it but...i still feel like a dick)
3. invited ex to current girlfriends b-day party
2. took long walk with ex
1. justifed 3 + 2 by saying how many other girls at the party i slept with
what a fucker
anyway...everyones all made up...everything is gonna fight my ass off to prove my worth
i'll spare you the pain and just give you a cyber kick in the shins. *pow* *crack*
but i still love you.
*ouch* ....rubs shins...i deserved that
i can't possibly be angry at someone who is going to have a chocobot eat me and digest me with gumballs in its stomach. you are the best botonist ever. get it!? cause you are gonna make a robot- botonist! oh man i am a dork
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