Friday, October 29, 2004


i am officialy cupcaked and regular caked out...maybe caus im hung over from celebrating my birthday last night (even though its today)
wishing everyone could come to my party
excited to see everyone who is

thank you kala and have a very happy un-birthday

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Cute (w/out the 'e')

sorry to be so cutesy and conduct booty call buissness on the blog...but there needed to be some nakedness going on

sucks i cant go to mass this weekend, sucks i cant have off my b-day...well at least this year ill get laid instead of hanging out at the handle bar again

really excited bout the party on sat...ive decided to be tommy gnosis from hedwig nd the angry inch...this way i dont have to shave my belly

hour and 15 munites late to work today, a day i could not be late for...amazingly they let me keep my job

who said cars should be completly silent - brakes squeek - rubber rubs

Monday, October 25, 2004


phone sex, I must admit i felt a little silly
is it wrong to be jealous if your girlfriends really hot
i miss you

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Cinnamon spite pretzel

the red sox won...ha ha take that yankees, you fucks!

the greatest game ever "edward 40 hands", kala told me about this - awesome, tape 1 forty to each hand and dont pee or remove said fortys till there is none left

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

welcome to the 1830's

special thanx to noah and erin for showing us an awesome guys are the most.

mass-a-chew-sits is beautifull i cant wait to move there...but im still in love with long island deep down (and a girl here)
long island is like the hub for all my friends

hotel sex
ferry line make out
truth or truth

red sox
pabst blue robot.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

what things may come

reading books about public sex clubs, dildos made out of bull cock (though technicly that counts as real cock)
wrestlers with collyflower ear punching themselves to make it bigger
invisible monsters hiding behind veils

hurried ride to ferry
fresh baked chocolat chip cookie and hot chocolat
snuggling in a hotel
bath tub sex
beer pong
mr cecils ribs, baby back the best youve ever tasted
maybee the shit shack too...if im feeling glutonous

all of this just after a miraculous recovory from my cough

Monday, October 11, 2004

Pocket full of kryptonite

shit! supermans dead. i'll have to have a shot of whiskey and wathc #III - the one where he gets drunk and fights himself, oh added bonus to that movie - richard pryor.

mr christopher reeves, you will be missed.....strange how supermen of our past, past on ...been missing george sicnce i knew who he was, im sure christopher will be missed by many.

a flag half mast for truth justice and the americain way

Saturday, October 09, 2004

the terms of service

c.v. boot
tourque steer
"umm..i have a coupon.."

"i got this uh,recall letter in the mail.."

"i have this rattle somewhere in my car, oh and i need a loaner"

Friday, October 08, 2004

i'm just queer for the beer

so after i vaccumed last night, all that hair man you should have seen the canister on my new vaccume...anywho scott lauren and i went to napper tandys again paid for 1 drink and the bartender paid use the rest...cause we were so cute...the bartenders name moe (yes he was a guy) so i harnessed the power of my cuteness and metrosexuality for some free beer...sweet...also that girl bartender...i think she wants me too....tough she should have thought of that 6 months ago....

I was looking through my year book (drunk) last night... what a dork i was/am

coming up next week - "terms of service"

Thursday, October 07, 2004

when i wipe my ass

i flush the paper down the this wrong. ive had two roomates (mike 1st now elvis, scott somehow knows better) in my life who've thrown there fecal encrusted paper in the garbage...thats fucked up. i came home last night and the dog had pulled elvis' poo paper from the trash and dragged around the house. fucker! thank god for stolen medical supplies (ie;latex gloves and rubbing alcohal)
i need to buy a new vacuum tonite the one lauren stole from me and scott wasnt picking up the dog and elvis' hair very fucking mangy animals i have living with me

coffee and ciggerettes

bottling beer
someone beat me in my sleep,

maybe watch coffee and ciggerettes tomarow night

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

i stuck my head out the window and got arrested for mooning

poor rodney may he rest in peice

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

save paridise put up a parking lot

... i hate that fucking song, but i thought this was kinda cute

Monday, October 04, 2004

The Black Orchird

i spent a lot of quality time with noah this weekend watching magnum...oh man its so good...and not enough time with samantha (also watching magnum and eating ice cream in bed). my life is no where near as eventfull as marks trip to the fairgrounds. c'est la vie...

sam, noah and i also brewed a lager....mmmm beer....

Friday, October 01, 2004

oh lover you should have come over

so i got drunk last night...started at six at work then went to a bar with scott and lauren ...the bartender was hitting on me ..i think, i dont know maybee it was all the guinnus then a call from an girl who i once dated "im coming home for the weekend from vegas we should hang out" eh...then ran into ex (jamie...crazy bitch) at the dinner
but the one girl i really wanted to see i couldnt
miss you