Monday, August 30, 2004

fuckin september

oh man i cant believe the summers almost done
everyone is leaving me again
pete; left sat night i probbly wont hear from that jerk for a while..i love him anyway
mark; will be leaving soon to north cakalaka
jay; is uncovering trilobites and teaching labs
noah; rocking out in ma
jonny kapps; working all the time
and my sweetheart, samm; going to skool cant stay up all night with me

sad...i hate the fall

i love you all

Thursday, August 26, 2004

last minute show

i have a show tonite at ceadar beach 9pm
i have a show satnite at ceadar beach 9pm
party at q's tommarow - should be fun

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

minor diagnostic

sitting in bed naked eating ice cream
your watching me
pretend to sleep...untill i accualy fall asleep

i could lay here forever
the way summer vacation used to last
10 weeks use to be a long time, running through the sprinklers

lost my brakes
lost my meter

i cant write as well as you can
serving me
serving the "scene"

Monday, August 23, 2004

This is the part where i loose my head

i spent a few days in the loony bin after a mental breakdown i have GAD or generlized anxiety disorder and a case of depression ( i think i have bi-polar those fuckers couldnt diagnoise a fucking cold)
quite an experience whoo hooo
anyway thanx for all the support and love everyone that sent messages and phone calls and just pure friends are the best people in the world thank you sooo much guys were all i thought 'bout it pulled me through
not to mention the crazy people hitting on me...sleep with one eye open

labor day weekend im having a party...playing a show on the 28th ceadar beach final night for the summer summer time.

Friday, August 13, 2004

ceadar beach falling on deaf ears

what a wierd crazy ass show...14 year old girls taking my demo..mistaking a cure cover for goldfinger (watered down 4th gen punk ska pisses me off) but hey people were singing along ...someone was singing my lyrics...crazy...and another show at the beach on the 28th the last ceadar beach show o the summer

all this talk of making out ...nice, what a boost to my self esteem

lets all have a glass of chery and a moment of silence

Thursday, August 12, 2004

runaway tray tearing up the tracks

ive been talking about running away for a over a year now.
time to get off my ass


so they cancelled my show at the beach last night, but i will be playing tonite in stead

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

all through the night

Cyndi Lauper was awesome, what a voice....dont fuck with her
limo's are the best...ecspesially when driven by chat...ecspesially when there is alcohal and then you stop at white castle on the way home

fuck tony danza what a prick

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

yeah...some shows

sweet shows
8-11-04 ceader beach @ 9pm w\mike a and jonk?
8-21-04 samms house @..uh w\samm, jonk, wooly and a bunch of other folks

tonite cyndi lauper,limo...white castle...drunk on a week-night

Monday, August 09, 2004


there are some phrases i never understood (or cared for really) like why buy the cow when you get the milk for free...i dont want a cow or fucking milk yuukkk...i want some sweet sweet love......i asked, i think it was noah what "inri" on the crusifix ment and he replied "ummm...i think it means 'I'm nailed right in'" big laugh...

i'm going to be seeking mental heath assistance....i have been secretly suffering from depression and i dont know what...lately it has caused problems with my functioning in socitey whatever that means...wish me luck....hope the dont give me prozak dawm sexual side effects i think that would depress me on other levels

cyndi lauper tommarow - limo (YES!)

Friday, August 06, 2004


i love the way she breathes "oh god"
as a nuzzle in deeper

keg party northshore brewery (my house) tommarow night 8pm
brew BBQ and rock

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

there is nothing like the love of a good robot

i think that sums it all up..

my job is getting to so it goes

i miss you

Monday, August 02, 2004

Led zepplin sucks

awesome fun drinken drunk party mofo great time had by all and my apologies to pete for my being a huge dick....but ya kinda deserved...made me and mark miss last call and drink and drive (no! not drunken driving theres a difference fucking MADD making it so touchy to be a drunk only in america fuck)....

i was thinking of puting a comedy routine together but im kinda not funny we'll see.



i can't wait to sleep (with you)