Thursday, October 30, 2003

New recipe...
red bull
light rum

good birthday last night. i only wish the rest of my friends could have been with me ... i miss you guys.

they should change the ad campaign for red bull to "Red Bull Makes You weird".

Monday, October 27, 2003

Girls suck ...... i hate being used!

Monday, October 20, 2003

Clampy the robot

i got a birthday present early this year from jay and marrisa a tin robot with plans to take over the world, or my world or my car where he currently resides. greatest birthday present.

peter is silly he gave up the chance to be with three hot chicks (at once) that were trashed and playing with his mohawk

projects projects projects i have soo many things i want to get done but i cant get away from my tv.

im buying a motorcycle in the spring i caint wait its old and its yellow.

mexico january 4th me and pete will be housed for 7 days, his two bros are brining thier girl friends but peter is smarter than that hes bringin his wing man.

me and jon k are putting out a split 7" this is very exciting


Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Joan rivers is in my office, why is a clown walking down my street...
why is a fe-male/joan rivers impersonator at my office? we are having a grand reopening that i was not invited to but hae to edure while trying to get my work done. how embaressing and unprofessonal to the company. i have no problem with female impersonators but not at work what the fuck .

a cuple a weeks ago i pull into my drive way and get out of my car. what do i see walking down the street a clown a full blown clown, ballons rubber nose the whole dawm thing....creepy.

Monday, October 13, 2003

check out my new blog "the way back machine" named after my solo stuff wich is named after the time machine in rocky and bowink cartoons with sherman and mr. peabody

Saturday, October 11, 2003

a realization;

Congrats to jay and marrisa on thier new appartment in dc. it sounds great and im really excited for them...however with their move i am left with but one friend on long island (that actualy hangs) this makes me very sad.

on a nother note jon k. has inspired me to write poetry again. as i havent writen poetry for the sake of poetry since high skool (some of you may remember me carry a book of my really bad poems and lyrics) so heres one tell me what ya tink.

lost in all
smoke and mirrors, our selves
peaking through my window, barging through my door
another drink to pass the night
i never thought i'd be here
holding on to night
smoke and mirrors, we never knew

broken bones, poison ivy
a week goes by.

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Is Max Shreck behind the california recall?
I was watching Batman Returns last week and the plot kinda reminded me of the headlines i keep reading on (not the articles though, i cant read them...i'm lazy). the evil Max Shreck as played by Christopher Walken tries to get a recall on the mayor of Gotham City. he uses The Peguin's (as horribly potrayed by Danny DeVito) celeberty status to launch a campaign to use him as a puppet.

Do you think that Batman will come and save californa from a sick and vengeful plot to kill all the first borns as implemented by
The Garry Coleman?