Man peter must really hate me, first he gives me a black eye (see earlyer blog) then he scratches the hell out of my car. after a long night of drinking noah drives my car and im in the passinger seat (cause im fucked up) were on our way to a party at eds house (always at eds house does wackyness ensue) all of a sudden petes face in in my windsheild
"were the fuck did he come from?" we were driving about 30mph for christs sake. so noah starts swearving and i start spraying his ass down with washer fluid. his muddy feet left all sorts of marks, oh well it needed a good detail any way (besides i got him back the next night by grinding the gears in his hyundi wagon)
what a great weekend it was it was like a mini bocoach reuinun at eds house skulltise, whitey, noah and ed wow. and then mark shows up with this cute korean chick from collage, it was just like old drunken times, yeah. and me and noah sang at kareoke(?) summer o' 69 and just like heaven (needless to say we were housed) it was great.
"You may be a king or a lowley street sweeper but sooner or later you dance with the reaper"